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What are the benefits of connecting Google Business Profile to Direction Local?

Our platform enables you to manage your locations on all directories, including Google Business Profile (formerly, Google My Business (GMB)).

Once you have Google Business Profile connected to our platform, you will be able to update your locations, see their analytics in the dashboard and answer customer feedback or create posts. If you have a verified account, you can use our platform to create new locations, as well.

Will my data be updated on Google or do I need to manually update data on Google’s platform?

Once the location data is uploaded into our platform and the connection between these locations in our platform and Google Business Profile is established, it will no longer be necessary to login to GMB to manually update your data.

The data listed in the platform will function as one central source of truth. Changes will only have to be made once in the platform. The updated data will then be pushed out to Google and all other directories.

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