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Adding services to a location

This article gives an overview of everything to know about Services. More detailed information will be linked in each section. 

What Is ‘Services’?

Services allows users to enhance location information with a list of services provided by the business. 

Where are Services Displayed?

Services are displayed on the Google Maps mobile app and the Direction Local Locator pages product.

Why add Services?

Google uses services information to rank businesses for specific keywords in local and map searches. This information is also listed on the Services tab on Google Business Profiles found in Google Maps. Consumers use this information to determine if a business meets their needs. Adding this information to the Locator & Pages product helps improve SEO and organic ranking on the search engines.

How to Manage Services?

Services information can be updated in three places: at the location level, in content lists, and through the API:

Services Field

A list of services can be added on the location’s Rich Data tab.

This is a simple list of the Services a business offers without the additional details more consumers want. 

This list appears on Google and the Locator & Profiles product without the additional details and business categorizations available when adding Services through a Content List.

Content List Feature – Recommended

Services can be added to a location as a Content List. The Content List enables users to provide consumers more information on the Services the business provides.

Details on these fields can be found below.

Fields in the Services Content Items

  • servicesID: The business’s unique ID for each Service item
  • status: Either “ACTIVE” to display the content or “DELETED” to delete
  • googleService: Google’s name for the service
    • In the export spreadsheet, the availableServices column on the Locations tab lists all Services Google recommends for the location’s primary business category
    • This field can be left blank if Google does not have a Service name for a particular service item
      • Google does not provide Services for every business category
      • Google does not provide every Service for a business category
      • Google accepts Services that are not in their system
  • title: The business’s name for the Service item
  • description: This is a description of the Service item
  • category: The ID of the business category related to this Service item
  • price: The price of the Service item
  • currency: The official ISO currency code


Both the Services field and Services Content List can be managed via the API.

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