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General FAQs about Directories

Find out the answer to some of the questions frequently asked about directories.

What happens when I edit locations on the directory itself?

Some directories (such as Google My Business) allow users to edit their own listings. We no longer automatically overwrite changes made in GMB upon sync check. The only changes that will be made are when the field has been actively updated within Direction Local (via partner API or in-app). So you should make any changes directly in our platform to ensure the information remains consistent across all directories.

How long does it take for my listing to appear on a directory?

It takes different amounts of time to create or edit a listing, depending on how fast the directory responds to our request for data.

Creating a new listing usually happens within one day, but if the directory has to check all new listings manually, it might take a bit longer.

Updating an existing listing usually takes about 10 days.

If you’re worried about how long it’s taking for your listing to be created or updated, you can always reach out to our support team for help.

Why is the category I selected in the platform not identical to the category shown for my listing in the Directory?

Different directories have different category options. We will match the selected category to the closest option available in each directory. However, there are some cases when they won’t be exactly the same.

What can I do if my listing is claimed by others?

There are different ways to handle your listings depending on which directory you are using.

Some directories will let you overwrite an existing listing. This happens automatically when we send the information to the directory and the directory connects your data with an existing URL that is already claimed by someone else.

If a listing is overwritten, the previous owner of the listing might complain to the directory. The directory will then forward the complaint to us and to you. Other directories, like Google, will not allow a claimed listing to be overwritten.

Should you consider an existing Google listing to belong to you, you should contact Google directly and present an official claim which will then be discussed with the current owner.

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