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How do I create and share a template with the Publications Library?

The Post Library is a feature that you will find in the Post tab and consists of a library where you can save and share post templates.

Here are the features at your disposal:

Save posts as templates

The Save as Template option is now available inside the post form. It works for new posts and for existing ones (this can be useful if you are looking to duplicate posts).

Save templates in the Publications Library

Saved templates appear at the top of the Publish tab, in a section called Template Library. 

Share models with other users

Templates can be shared by the template owner . Sharing makes a model visible to other users who have at least one company in common with them.

Create, select, edit, and delete models from your library

You can also create templates from the library. In order to use an existing template, you can hover over the template with your mouse and click View. The post page opens and can be applied to any post type .

Template owners and administrators can edit and delete templates. This will not delete or edit past posts created using this template.

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