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What are Digest Emails and how can I set their frequency?

What are Digest Emails and how can I set their frequency?

Digest Emails are a type of email notification we send that tells you what happened with your businesses during a selected period of time. It’s a great way to stay on top of things without checking your account all the time.

We send separate emails to Location Managers and Account Managers about the performance of their different businesses, respectively.

This email contains information that may be useful for users to share location-related information with people who don’t have access to our platform. For example, this could include higher management or other departments. It is also a reminder to regularly evaluate the status of locations and help make strategic decisions.

The Content

The Digest Emails shows an overview of the following topics:

  1. Profile Completeness
  2. Sync-Status of the listings
  3. Social Media performance (Impressions and Clicks)
  4. Suggestions for better location management (next best actions to take)
  5. List of directories where they currently list
  6. Average Rating
  7. Latest Reviews from clients (selection)

Choosing the Frequency

There are three ways that you can get emails from us. You can choose to get them weekly, monthly, or quarterly. We will send the emails on the first Tuesday of every week, month, or quarter, depending on which frequency you choose.

You can also stop getting the emails by deactivating the Digest Emails submission. To do so, just follow these instructions:

  • On the User Rights tab:
    • On the User Management page, click on “Edit” next to the corresponding user;
    • At the bottom of the page you will be able to activate/deactivate the Digest Email;
    • If activated, you can select the frequency on the drop-down menu; then press “Save changes”.
  • Under Settings(top right corner):
    • Click on the “Welcome back” button and then choose “Settings”;
    • There will be a section of the page called “Email notifications” where you can activate/deactivate the Digest, as well as set its frequency.
    • Make sure to save the changes.
  • From the Digest Email itself:
    • If you have already received this email at least once, you will be able to edit your preference from the section where it says: “How often would you like to receive this mail?”;
    • Simply click on the desired option: quarterly, monthly, weekly or never.
    • It should prompt a new tab where it confirms that the frequency has been successfully updated.
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